Problem is people would abuse bump drafting to the extreme , im sure this would happen, some people even upload dodgy hotalps (/me looks over at dustin) it would be nice but hard to police.
Also i think you need another option in poll
> i upload if bad or good times
Echoing the response, just dont let yourself down like that again dustin.
Takes time to build respect , and you really have improved as a driver, this "episode" has dented that. But aslong as you are sincere, this will be forgiven but maybe not forgotten by all.
I did find a fix for if sound totally stops working in game (which it did on 2 occasions) disable all music then re-enable (i didnt try shift&w shift &n if i can reproduce this ill post and test these hot keys)
cueball this is somthing ive been hoping since s2 alpha demo , individual tyre selction type/change etc, also in garage ie fr-r2 fl-r3 etc.
thinking a little more maybe have the % system , used for idividual pit orders, ie
if FR > 50% Wear change Type R2
(also option to set no change)
FL> 70% Wear change Type R3
etc would be perfect. (for now)
but as it stands it does the job ok and in game representation of wear is lovely (F9)
Im no einstein, but let me put it another way , imagine you bought brand new small road car, and got on autobahn/motorway/highway and drove 1000km , tyres would still be ok, a little bit of wear here and there.
All depends how you drive.
Edit reading your first post , what id like to see in pits in a no change tyre option , i wouldnt like to have a % shwon for tyre wear + the fact tyre wear is un-even so you have 50% tread left but maybe on innertread 10% (depending on camber) so its ireelevant to have % plus takes away the unkown,like vain mentioned , imagine scenario .
People racin on server , some joins
dude "how much fuel"
other dude "5%"
dude "sweet"
other dude "rly"
dude "how much wear per lap on tyres"
another dude "0.18% center , 1.2% inner"
random dude "F12 !!!!!!!!!"
Wasnt trying Anyhow i do know what you mean,sorry for biting but (couldnt help it). i think LFS has gone full cirlce a few times , influx of new + old etc. I still think even with the problems LFS encounters as it grows in popularity, the general feeling i get is that majority are clean and fair and are always improving, i think its always the case that it can take just 1 driver to ruin a race , no matter of his/her ability or experience.
Like most things in life, its what you make it. And im proud to say after more then 3 years playing LFS im still completely hooked, and this is mainly down to the attitude of gaming/racing i find in LFS :grouphug: . great place to be, even if sometimes its the wall/sand/dirt (bah)
Obviously your just talking about the formula racers here, so i cant comment as i dont do them for simple reasons like, i cant drive them and attracts to many peolpe trying to race the fast cars without learning the track or racing lines (not "the" racing line)
I find your post pretty offensive tbh , most fast racers with high milage are usually the bestmight not be the cleanest, but this is racing we are talking about , some corners are all about guts, and main reason they dont have 1,129,144 posts in the forum is because they are to busy racing.
To mention a few check out the stats most have done quite a fair few miles, most are fast (not to sure about Vince or dave both pretty much noobs tbh ) . sure a few accidents, and some very hard racing, one thing that i find with racing a more experinced feild is respect for each other, without that , there is no trust and with no trust , well.. you turn cynical.
Racing fox,fo8,bf1 is a different discipline to most of the other vehicles, this is the point i think your trying to make. Just dont paint everyone with the same brush.
Again same thing i see with over 1000 posts you should know better.
Racing attitudes , keep them on the track , off the track, is time for reflection not finger pointing. No one is a perfect drver
All these posts about banning kicking , spoils this general discussion area , maybe if there was admin section , dedicated to problems about servers and bans connection issues , admining help , setup servers etc , i see lately more and more of these posts , no offense leprekaun, your also right, but painting everyone "racers" is a bit unfair , but go to good reputabile servers youll get not get any of that unless your really naughty